Wednesday, February 17, 2010

White earth land recovery project /native harvest indigenous farming conference.

Today I’m going to the white earth reservations indigenous farming conference in Callaway, Minnesota this is in the northwest section of the state.
White earth is an Ojibwa reservation.
I am going because I want to learn about indigenous agriculture because I am interested in rare seeds and ancient forms of agriculture and nutrition.
I will give a full report when I am back.


  1. Hi Thurman!
    I am looking forward to your thoughts on the conference. I am so thrilled about what I learned and plan to grow a lot of food with kids this summer. We are also doing living willow structures like benches and a shelter. You can build tunnels for erosion control and play!
    Have Fun!
    Your Friend,

  2. HI Fionno...I am very ptoud of you. I know you will bring a lot of wonderful information back with you. Looking forward to your next post
